Paypal is the lowest cost online payment gateway and probably the safest for both buyers and sellers. The way Paypal achieves the “safety” part of this equation is partly by verifying information about buyers and sellers and partly by taking precautions related to account activity. Sometimes the safety comes at a price, when activities that are valid nevertheless get caught up in Paypal’s safety precautions.
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With four lodges, Koomerang has doubled the number of ski lodges using the CBDWeb online booking system. We have also implemented a new website for Koomerang.
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Some more improvements
These changes were foreshadowed in our previous newsletter and are already in your system, you may have noticed:
The Configuration menu includes two fields for the names of your room types. You can change from “En-suite” and “Shared Facility” to any names that are more appropriate and these will be used throughout the site and in emails. You can change these text values at any time during the season.
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