18.9% of all websites use WordPress (as of Feb 7 2014)1. CBDWeb has built, maintains and provides hosting for fifteen2 of these, and that number is growing. We chose WordPress because it is easy for you to use, for the availability of plugins and because it is a cost-effective development environment. If your website needs a plugin that doesn’t exist, or an existing plugin needs enhancement, CBDWeb can build it for you.
For example, the Bike Fun website uses a trio of plugins written by CBDWeb. First, an email address is submitted, an email is sent and confirmed by clicking on a link – ensuring accurate email addresses and fewer problems when sending out the newsletter. Second, Events are submitted and moderated, and displayed on the site in both a list and a calendar format. Third, newsletters are generated, showing future events, and can then be edited before being sent out.
For more complex requirements3, we use the Yii PHP framework. If we were writing the CBDWeb Alpine Booking Service today, it would be written in Yii. So when we added a mobile/tablet web-app to the booking service, we used Yii.
So that we can build your pages faster and make them easy for the end user, we use Angular JS. This is the future of web development – we predict that elements of Angular will form part of the next major evolution of HTML. There is Angular in parts of the Alpine Booking Service, and in our WordPress sites. We have combined AngularJS with jQuery mobile successfully in the mobile/tablet version of the Alpine Booking Service.
Our hosting is with Amazon Web Services, for value and reliability and for global reach.
3When is WordPress unsuitable for development? Mostly, if the database requirements are complex and need customised tables for speed and legibility. Also, if a site is mainly forms-based, i.e. data capture such as bookings, enrollments, and transactions.